This is my lazy week, or maybe lazy month... I dun have the mood to do anything... even eat... er... wait... I have plenty of mood for eating...*kidding* hehehe... I wish I can lay down on my bed doing nuthing... and by the end of the month I still get my salary *eh?* hahaha I WISH!... Being alone all this week really make me unproductive...
I watched Zanthura alone last night... the movie impact was so-so... but the lilboy is cute...
I miss Robet already... he's at his hometown now (Ipoh) for chinese new year holiday... I know this is really not me... to write about my bf... but I don't know... with him I feel different... I know there will be some of my friend or maybe enemy will feel 'yucky' about this... but hey it's my life, my journal... I have the right to write whatever that I want... i dun want to act 'macho', pretend that i don't bother about relationship... I may be differ from you and I can't be you...
I watched Mocca last week, I know this is quite late to write about them... hehehee me with my lazy brain... Arena/Arina (don't know how to spell the name), she's amazing, adorable, cute, lovely... oh dear... she's superb!... I love her!... her voice, the way she talk... grrrrr... hahahha plus I love Mocca so much... and I miss listening to their song since Robet stuck the cassete in my player (until now it's still stuck in there)... *grrr*... But it's ok... I bought the new cd already... My Diaries... hehhe such a sweet voice... such a sweet melody... love them big time!...
I love the traffic now... hahah it's public holiday... so no jammed... *yipie*... I like to drive during this days... so tomorrow is the last day for the leisure in driving... the crowd will be back in Wednesday... what a lame...
I think I getting 'fatter' and 'fatter' everyday... hahaha... my office mate keep saying this word to me... my hips getting bigger and bigger... erghh... I can't fit my old jeans anymore... *geee*... if previous days I really want to gain my weight but today, hell no!... please stop growing Fara... please... but my mom like it... she's keep saying to my sis in law that I'm 'happy' now that's whyI gain my weight... *duh!*
I mentioned before that I got invitation from Nat to join her for Japan trip right? too bad I have to cancel... so no Japan... it's ok maybe next time...I did used all the money for something else... wanna know what is that 'something'?... hehehe secret! later, when everything is confirm I'll post another journal about 'it'... *post*