Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm the saint who marches in love...

My dear blog;

Nothing much happen... Went to an interview yesterday... this is the 4th time they evaluate me... insane is it?... but if they like me they will send me to UK for two months trainning... awsome!!!... wish me luck...

Digging my old picture folder and I found this... do some editing and here goes the result... not very nicely done... but I like it... taken from Nokia6230 phone (an outdated phone) ... and I call this piece of 'art' as Lonesome ... enjoy! *post*


Anonymous said...

umm, are you lonesome bugbuster?

what job is it that you're interviewing for?

byemeansforever said...

interview yg kampeni UK tu lg ker?how was it?

fara[the]bugbuster said...

hantu: yup! as a bugbuster

endolahsaleh: mcm biasa la... "we will call you within a week" dalam slang pokat british ala ala tersedak tempoyak kat tekak.